

We at Merlin’s have seen the colossal damage that termites can do. We have seen termites eat the support beams out of homes, the damage was so severe that the building was condemned and was bulldozed. It ended up costing the homeowner over $100,000. The home was built back in the 1800’s, so the support beams were make of solid wood, but after over 100 years, the termites had eaten it so much the entire home was sagging in the middle and could have collapsed at any moment.

We’ve seen them turn hard wood floors into swiss cheese. They ate so much of the floor out in one home that if you walked from the front door and took 3 steps into the house, you would fall through the floor and end up in basement. The hard wood floors were the consistency of saltine crackers, so weak that you could break through it with your bare hands with very little effort.

These insects don’t work fast, but unless they are killed off, they usually never stop. So if you find termites and don’t take care of them, in 25 years, they will still be there, still eating in your walls. Being that they are covered by the wall, you could have termites for years and years without even knowing it.

When they swarm, an explosion of hundred of them foam from the ground, typically on the first warm day in spring. If you find them coming out, call for service immediately.

  • Please call for a quote
Prices may vary on larger homes. Quotes are based on average-sized dwellings. There is a surcharge for long distance services. Tax not included in quotes.
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